San Francisco Property Management Accounting

You need more than tenant placement and rent collection from your San Francisco property manager. You also need a careful accounting of your finances – a transparent way to follow what’s coming in and what’s going out. You need to trust that your management partner will be a good steward of your money and your assets.

At Gordon Property Management, we take our fiduciary responsibilities seriously. Owners and investors working with us have ongoing access to their financial statements and accounting records. Everything you find will be detailed, accurate, and transparent.

Income and Expense Statements Keep You Informed

We provide an updated monthly statement to you every month when your rent is deposited. There’s no need to wait until then, however. If you have a question or need some specific financials, you can access them in real time and at any time through your owner portal. Log on from anywhere and get the numbers you need. We’re here to discuss any questions you have or ideas you might want to talk through, especially with the market constantly shifting.

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We know that access to good information helps you make better decisions. Whether you’re deciding on upgrades you might want to make to increase rental value or you’re considering a new acquisition – we can tell you where you stand and show you a path for where you want to go.

 San Francisco property management accounting in The Mission District, The Marina, Mission Bay, and surrounding areas.

Tax Time Doesn’t Have to be a Headache

We don’t know a lot of people who look forward to filing taxes. But, when it’s time – it’s time.

At Gordon Property Management, we’re prepared, which means you’re prepared. At the end of every year, we provide you with 1099s for easy tax reporting. You’ll have an easy-to-read document to hand over to your tax accountant, and if you need any supporting paperwork, we can provide that, too.

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Our clear financial reporting is just one of the reasons our clients consider us the best property management in San Francisco.

Don’t forget the multiple tax benefits that come with owning a San Francisco rental property. Your investment may allow you to deduct:

  • Property management and professional fees.
  • Maintenance costs associated with your rental property.
  • Interest on your mortgage payments.
  • Depreciation.

Talk to your accounting professional if you’re not sure which deductions you qualify for.

Online Portals Improve Communication and Access

We’re proud of the innovative and user-friendly technology we provide to our owners and our tenants. As we mentioned, your portal will be where all your most important financial information is kept. It’s secure and convenient and always up to date.

Here are some of the ways you can use your online owner’s portal:  

  • View rental payments

  • See accounting statements and reports

  • Print a 1099 at tax time

  • Review maintenance requests and invoices

  • See inspection reports and photos

Questions about your statements or the way we manage your property management finances? Get in touch. We’d love to tell you more.


What People are Saying

Jul 18, 2024
Google - Gordon Property Management
Couldn't ask for a better team, highly recommend to property owners thinking about management services.
Jul 13, 2024
Google - Gordon Property Management
Gordon Property Management is big enough to have the resources necessary to do the job and small enough to provide the personal attention needed to do it well.
Jul 5, 2024
Google - Gordon Property Management
GPM has continued to be very responsive and helpful to my recent apartment repairs and renter admin. questions. The quality of building maintenance repairs has risen since they started managing our building. Their staff is always courteous, professional and helpful. I am very grateful for their renter support service & to our property Owners!
May 21, 2024
Google - Gordon Property Management
Excellent and cost effective service in managing my rental unit for over a decade. Highly recommended.
May 12, 2024
Google - Gordon Property Management
Smart, committed and hassle free! As a property owner, I absolutely love working with GPMSF. They are completely transparent in their accounting and they go the extra mile to help you in any way they can.

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Gordon Property Management

1596 Church Street, San Francisco, CA 94131
P: (415) 554-8812 | F: (415) 554-0488
CA DRE #01944146